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Make Your Life a Masterpiece: Lessons in Non-Linear Progress

Aug 28, 2023
From Ideas to Masterpieces: Lessons in Perseverance and Iteration

Leonardo da Vinci's name is synonymous with artistic and scientific genius, yet his journey from concept to masterpiece was far from linear. The pages of his notebooks reflect his creative process. In this note, we'll explore how Leonardo's approach, combining flights of imagination with a rigorous commitment to continuous refinement, can inspire us to transform our own lives into timeless masterpieces.

  • Embrace a Big Dream: Leonardo's notebooks are a treasure trove of sketches, drawings, diagrams, and written notes, showcasing his imagination and dedication to refining his concepts. When he drew a flower, for example, he wanted it to be perfect, and his standard for perfection was nothing less than Nature which he perceived as an expression of the mind of God.  He wrote: “I wish to work miracles.”
  • Mistakes are Steppingstones: Leonardo's experiments weren't always successful, but he saw mistakes as an essential part of the creative process. This mindset allowed him to embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth, exploration, and continuous learning.
  • Generate Lots of Ideas: Leonardo advised his students to generate an abundance of ideas.  He counseled aspiring creators to “let the mind go free” and “think of an infinity of things” which could later be reduced to “their complete and proper forms”.  In other words, the secret of thinking creatively is: Generate First, Organize Later.
  • Perseverance in the Face of Challenges:Leonardo's journey was marked by many challenges including war, political pressures, financial constraints, and technical limitations.  Nevertheless, his love of learning propelled him to continue experimenting and exploring throughout his life.  In his last years, he wrote: “Obstacles will not bend me.” And “I shall continue.”

Apply Leonardo’s Approach today:

~ Professional Success: Many people adopt the illusion that a career must be a continuous upward progression to be considered a success. But most of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs, investors, and leaders from all walks of life overcame huge mistakes and massive setbacks on the path.  

~ Personal Development and Fulfillment:  In old movies and romance novels people sometimes meet their true love early on and live happily ever after while raising 2.3 well-adjusted children.  But life can be much more challenging. Whatever your circumstances, personal development and fulfillment come more readily when you embrace Leonardo’s approach to continuous learning and growth. 

~Creative Pursuits: Whether you're an artist, writer, actor, poet, dancer, musician, inventor or innovator, the path of excellence is rarely linear. Enjoy the journey.

Leonardo da Vinci's amazing creativity wasn't solely due to his innate talent. His passionate curiosity and commitment to continuous improvement set him apart. By adopting this approach, we can learn to see mistakes as steppingstones, embracing challenges as opportunities, and transforming our lives into true masterpieces. In a world that often values instant, superficial results, Leonardo's legacy reminds us that greatness is achieved through dedication, resilience, and the willingness to learn and experiment. So, let us embark on our creative journey with the spirit of Leonardo as our guide.  What miracles do you wish to create? 

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